Bioidentical Hormone
Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormones

The hormonal changes that occur as you get older cause a wide range of symptoms that affect your physical and emotional well-being. These symptoms may include hot flashes, mood swings, and a low libido. But with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), you can get relief from these symptoms. Gentera Center for Precision Medicine in Coral Gables offers many innovative treatments to boost energy and vitality, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Call the office most convenient to you or schedule an appointment with the precision medicine experts online today

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are not like other types of hormone therapy. These hormones are plant-based hormones chemically modified to have the same structure and function as the hormones produced by your body.

When using bioidentical hormones for hormone therapy, they act just like the hormones your body produces, restoring hormone balance, easing symptoms, and improving your quality of life.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a hormone therapy option for those struggling with hormone imbalance. Gentera Center for Precision Medicine knows that when it comes to health, no single treatment or therapy works for all.

The practice takes a patient-centered approach to care, customizing treatments and therapies that meet your exact needs — that is precision medicine.

With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, your provider customizes your hormone replacement therapy to meet your exact hormonal needs.

Am I a candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Your provider at Gentera Center for Precision Medicine determines if you’re a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy after a comprehensive examination. During your visit, your provider asks detailed questions about your symptoms, medical history, and family history.

They perform a physical examination and run precision lab work that checks your hormone levels to fully understand your hormone balance needs.

They also perform the TruAge® test, which is an epigenetic test that analyzes your DNA to better understand how your lifestyle and diet may influence your current and future health needs.

When is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy beneficial?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is beneficial to men and women experiencing symptoms related to age-related hormonal changes. That includes changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in women because of perimenopuase and menopause and testosterone levels in men.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy often treats:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Mood changes
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Vaginal dryness in women
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

Gentera Center for Precision Medicine also uses bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to assist with weight loss, sometimes combining the hormone therapy with peptides.

Hormone imbalance is a common problem as you get older. To ease symptoms and improve health, call Gentera Center for Precision Medicine or schedule your bioidentical hormone replacement therapy consultation online today.